Monday, 26 March 2012


There are swarms of dangerously poisonous jellyfish in coastal waters of U.K. It happened for the first time in 2010. They have been called as mauve stingers due to their looks, and they are coming here because of the recent temperature rise.

These jellyfish are about 4” long, and are pinkish purple in color. They breed a lot faster when the water temperature is warm. And just one swarm (or bloom) can cover many square miles (number reach to hundreds of thousands!) Just about five years ago, there were hardly any jellyfish in the British waters, as they preferred to stay at warm places like Mid Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

Over the period of last five years, there have been millions of jellyfish in north east Atlantic region, and they were close to British shores. Since 2010, they began entering British waters as well. A few years back, a bloom that extended for 10 miles killed about 100,000 salmon fish in Northern Ireland. The total damage was over a million pounds.
People of U.K. can be in a dangerous situation if they go to the beach. But more than that, fish farmers suffer a continuous loss all year round. Tuna fish are major jellyfish predators. Overfishing of Tuna means that jellyfish will keep growing and consuming other sea species.

While researches are being carried out in University of Plymouth, many scientists are worried about the present state. Dr. Richard Kirby of the university says that jellyfish numbers will increase even more as the temperatures keep rising. As global warming is increasing, there are chances that British waters will soon be infested with a lot of jellyfish.

The mauve stinger has a single cavity in its body, and it acts as mouth and waste removal. Its tentacles are covered with barbs that shoot venom, and then grab the affected fish. When this fish is disturbed, it glows in dark. It can also be seen in nights sometimes when ships pass through a swarm.

These jellyfish bloom when they migrate to warmer waters. Their numbers increase, and so does the swarm size. Climate and food conditions play a large role in their bloom. Overfishing of tuna fish is harmful for the ecological balance. Other predators of these jellyfish are sea turtles. Research is being carried out to understand the behavior of these jellyfish.

Thursday, March 15, 2012              

·         Swarms = covey, large, moving group
·                         -     A group or aggregation of free-floating or free-swimming cells or organisms.
·         Infested = full, overrun, crowded, overwhelmed
-                                           -            To live in or overrun to an unwanted degree or in a troublesome manner.
·         Tentacles = appendage, limb, feeler
-          An elongated, flexible, segmented extension, as one of those surrounding the mouth or oral cavity of the squid, used for feeling, grasping, or locomotion.
·         Venom = poison, toxin, virulence
-          The poisonous fluid that some animals, as certain snakes and spiders, secrete and introduce into the bodies of their victims by biting, stinging, etc.

  1.   there are many poisonous jellyfish blooms in the English coastal water of U.K., due to the increase in temperature.
  2.    Fish farmers suffered huge losses because tuna fish is a predator of jellyfish. Besides, it also resulted in ecosystem imbalances.

Saturday, 24 March 2012


EICMA 2011

The Vespa 946 is a window on future trends in style and technology

At EICMA 2011 the Vespa 946 unveils a possible future with a tribute to the MP6, the original prototype and progenitor of the world’s most famous scooter, an unsurpassed example of Italian style and creativity. By distilling the essence of a scooter that changed the style of individual mobility forever and enhancing the lines that secured its success, the Pontedera Style Centre has projected the Vespa into a possible future where references and projections, tradition and innovation, merge seamlessly. The vibrant heart of the Vespa 946 is a state-of-the-art engine that paves the way for forthcoming advances, with low fuel consumption and minimal exhaust and noise emissions. 


unveil   :     to remove a cover or curtain from a painting, statue, etc, so that it can be seen in public for the first 
           :      to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc, to the public for the first time.

prototype  :      the first design of something from which other forms are copied or developed

progenitor  :     a person or thing from the past that a person, animal or plant that is alive now is related
                  :    a person who starts an idea or a development

unsurpassed  :   better  or greater than any other

seamlessly   :   with no spaces or pauses between one part and the next

forthcoming  :    going to happen, be published, very soon
                    :    ready or made available when needed
                    :     willing to give information about something


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

AELB says will close Lynas plant if waste agreement broken

March 15, 2012
Raja Abdul Aziz said the AELB has yet to issue the TOL to Lynas. — File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, March 15 — The Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) assured Malaysians today it will shutter Lynas Corporation’s rare earth plant in Kuantan if the Australian mining firm violates conditions on the disposal of radioactive material.
According to Star Online, the regulator reminded at its weekly media briefing today that that firm had already struck an agreement with local authorities here for it to return any radioactive waste to Australia if it fails to set up a permanent disposal facility here.
This, said AELB director-general Raja Abdul Aziz Raja Adnan, is despite Lynas’s pledge that all residues from the plant in Gebeng, Kuantan, would be recycled into products that can be sold.
“The board has approved a temporary operating licence (TOL) to Lynas but we have not issued it.
“Whether Lynas can proceed with its operations in June (as claimed by Lynas) remains to be seen,” the English daily quoted him as saying during the briefing.
Putrajaya recently said the Sydney-based Lynas Corp had sent a letter of undertaking to the government, promising to send its rare earth processing residue abroad if it cannot find a suitable waste disposal site in Malaysia.
But in response, anti-Lynas group Himpunan Hijau scoffed at the undertaking and demanded International Trade Minister Datuk Mustapa Mohamad reveal which foreign destination would accept such large amounts of toxic waste.
“Where exactly is ‘abroad’? Identify and prove to us which country outside of Malaysia is willing to accept this massive [volume of] toxic waste. Tell us which third world country Lynas will invade and pollute next. We want to know the full details,” the group’s chairman, Wong Tack, had asked.
The anti-Lynas lobbyist also demanded to know how much radioactive waste the miner plans to accumulate as well as the duration these would be stored at a temporary dumpsite before being shipped out.
He claimed in his statement that the proposed local dump is located in an unsuitable swamp area in the Gebeng industrial zone, on the outskirts of coastal Kuantan.

  1. STRUCK- Past Tense & Past Participle to strike,babysat,begot,etc.....

Although the waste product is less, it can be very harmful if it is not being handled correctly,and where does the waste product will be dumped? It is important that people know where it would be taken away for sake of security matter....


Monday, 19 March 2012

How much does watch accuracy vary, and why?

     At least in theory, we all should be Johnny-on-the-spot synchronized. Starting in the early 1970s, the advent of battery-powered quartz wristwatches gave ordinary folks access to a timekeeping technology that once was available only to scientists and technicians [source:NMAH]. Basically, if you apply electricity to a tiny piece of quartz and then bend it, the crystal will give off a relatively constant electrical signal that can be used to operate an electronic clock face [source: NIST]. By the early 2000s, quartz watches had become so popular that mechanical watches had been reduced to just 13 percent of the global watch market [source: IEEE].
     But consumer-grade quartz watches aren't totally precise. Remember, we're talking about relatively cheap miniature devices that are churned out rapidly in vast quantities in factories -- not some multi-million-dollar gadget custom built for a lab. Even the most expensive quartz-crystal watch in the jewelry store still relies on a mechanical vibration whose frequency can be affected by a variety of factors, including a crystal's size and shape. No two quartz crystals are exactly alike, which can lead to at least a slight discrepancy between two watches from the same assembly line [source: NIST]. Additionally, watches' precision can be affected by external factors, such as temperature and humidity, and by wear and tear that affects the stability of the tiny motors inside them, which generate the electric field to which the crystals are exposed [source: Lombardi].
Will this quartz watch embellished with emeralds tell accurate time? 
       The upshot is that quartz watches tend to become slightly less accurate over time -- with a great deal of emphasis on "slightly.", a Web site for timepiece enthusiasts, estimates that consumer-grade quartz watches typically lose between a tenth of a second and two seconds per day -- a discrepancy that, if left uncorrected over long periods, could lead to a watch being off by a few minutes []. A study published in Horological Journal in 2008, however, suggests that at least a few cheap watches are vastly more accurate. Researchers, who looked at humble timepieces that included a counterfeit Rolex purchased from a street vendor for $15 and a $30 discount store Timex, found they were all accurate to within a few thousandths of a second per day. It would take years for such a shift to become noticeable to their owners [source: Lombardi].

(How Stuff Works website)
Posted By: 
         ~As Syabab~
       Hadi      Ariff
      Ammar      Amir


Advent: the arrival of an event, invention or person  
Syn: appearance, approach, arrival, occurrence

Synchronized:  to (cause to) happen at the same time  
Syn: set, adjust, agree, harmonize, keep time with

miniature: describes something which is a very small copy of an object  
Syn: little, small, petite

churned out: to produce large amounts of something quickly, usually something of low quality  

Discrepancy: difference between two things that should be the same
Syn: incompatible, disparate, conflicting, different, contradicting

embellish: to make something more beautiful or interesting by adding something to it
Syn: beautify, amplify, elaborate, ornament

upshot: something which happens as a result of other actions, events or decisions
Syn: aftermath, consequence, effect, outcome

Enthusiasts: a person who is very interested in and involved with a particular subject or activity
Syn: addict, lover, maniac, fanatic, follower

Vast: extremely big
Syn: big, boundless, enormous, monstrous, tremendous, massive, limitless, widespread

Vendor: someone who is selling something
Syn: travelling salesperson, hawker, merchant 

Reading Quest: 
 These days, the synchronized time keeping has become peoples' wanting, thus timepiece enthusiasts had work on to sync the time around the world. 

Sunday, 18 March 2012




Actuaries conduct financial analyses and manage financial risks by employing skills in interest theory, finance, economics, statistics, probability, and modeling. As such, actuarial skills are transferable to any industry that must mitigate risk. Because actuaries wear many hats, the career outlook is dependent upon the industry in which they work and the type of work they do.
Actuaries must have a strong background in mathematics, and are required to pass a series of examinations to gain full professional status. In the United States, about 6 out of 10 actuaries are employed in the insurance industry. Employment opportunities remain good for those who qualify because the stringent qualifying examination system restricts the number of candidates.


One of the main functions of actuaries is to help businesses assess the risk of certain events occurring and formulate policies that minimize the cost of that risk. In general, actuaries help people plan better for the future by controlling or reducing financial risks associated with retirement, sickness, disability, unemployment, property loss and damage, investment policy, dying too soon, and living too long.
Actuaries can work in a number of areas such as insurance, consultancy companies, Bank Negara (which is a regulatory body for all financial institutions) and also various departments under the Ministry of Finance. Other areas include education and research; funds management; commercial industries; investment and corporate finance sectors; merchant banks; and human resources such as drawing up pension and employee benefits.
In insurance, actuaries assemble and analyze data to estimate the probability and likely cost of an event such as death, sickness, injury, disability, or loss of property. They produce probability tables or use more sophisticated modeling techniques that determine the likelihood that a potential event will generate a claim. Actuaries ensure that the premium charged for such insurance will enable the company to cover claims and other expenses, and be profitable. At the same time, the premium must remain competitive with other insurance companies.
In finance and investment, actuaries address questions involving the level of pension contributions required to produce a certain retirement income level and the way in which a company should invest resources to maximize return on investments in light of potential risk. They also devise new investment tools to help their firms compete with other financial service companies.
Employment and places of work
Actuaries have desk jobs and their offices usually are comfortable and pleasant. Some actuaries may travel to meet with clients. Consulting actuaries may also experience more erratic employment, traveling to meet various clients in different industries.
Areas Covered by Programmes
Actuaries need a strong background in mathematics and general business. Usually, actuaries earn an undergraduate degree in mathematics, statistics or actuarial science, or a business-related field such as finance, economics or business.
Typically, a degree in actuarial science will include subjects like economics, probability and statistics, calculus, accounting, corporate finance, risk finance and reinsurance, corporate risk management, and actuarial methods. Students may also be required to take coursework like communications, public speaking, sociology, and computer software and programming.

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All rights reserved.
Actuary :
An actuary is a business professional who deals with the financial impact of risk and uncertainty. Actuaries provide expert assessments of financial security systems, with a focus on their complexity, their mathematics, and their mechanisms.
(adj) strict,precise and exacting.
Assess :
  1. evaluate, calculate or estimate the price or value.
  2. set the value of a tax, fine or etc.

Insurance : syn : guarantee, (financial) protection.
an arrangement by which a company or the state undertakes to provide a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness or death in return for payment of a specified premium.
Pensionsyn : annuity, welfare payment, allowance, assistance.
a regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement and to some widows and disabled people.
Likelihood : syn : probability, possibility, plausibility.
the state or fact of something's being likely; probability
Premium : syn : insurance charge, bonus, payment, additional fee, bounty.
  1. an amount to be paid for a contract of insurance.
  2. a sum added to an ordinary price or charge.
  3. something given as a reward, prize or incentive.

Erratic : syn : unpredictable, inconsistent, variable, turbulent, fluctuating, unreliable.
not even or not regular in pattern or movement.

Starry Night

What can you see or you get from this picture? Come on TTS 1,please give a comment,use your brain...

Posted by: F.A.S.A.Z

Saturday, 17 March 2012

where are your kids right now ?


IT has happened again. A child killed in a manner most sane adults would not even dream of subjecting their worst enemies to.
What did 5-year-old Nurul Nadirah Abdullah, or Dirang, do to have her life nipped in the bud like that? Or Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, 8, or Nurul Huda Abdul Ghani, 10 -- both of whom met their end at the hands of perverted psychopaths, not too long ago?

   This is the time when most of our hearts burn with rage and armchair vigilantes take to cyberspace to demand justice and bay for the blood of the child's killers.

   While you are furiously tweeting or Facebooking about this tragedy, take a good look around you to check where your children, or brothers or sisters are. They could be out there playing by themselves or with an equally innocent, defenceless soul, oblivious that they are being watched or preyed by the dregs of society.

   Children don't come with "Adult supervision needed" tags, but it does not mean that they can survive out there all by themselves. Rule of  thumb  -- you make babies, you take care of them until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

   Your flesh and blood (in some cases, stepchildren) are your responsibility and no one else's. The police can only do  so much. They can look for the suspects after a crime has happened, but by then, milk (or blood) has already been spilt.

   Judging by the way things are going nowadays, a law should be introduced that forces adults to supervise their young ones until they are at least 15, failing which,  the parents, or guardians, should be punished harshly to serve as an example to others.

   In the case of Dirang, she was sent to buy groceries at a shop near her flats in Bandar Seri Alam in Johor Baru on March 1  by her mother, Roselyn Alan, 25,  who is in confinement after giving birth. Her charred remains were  found in a hole at an oil palm plantation in Nusa Damai, Masai, eight days later.

   If my memory serves me right, Dirang's stepfather and Roselyn's husband, Lima Medeng, 25, was a jobless man. Mister, what other important "tasks" did you have that you can't carry out minor errands such as buying groceries for your wife who is in confinement? In an alternate reality, if Lima had done what he was supposed to do, Dirang would still be alive today. I'm not judging, just a thought that crossed my mind.

   Even I, who is not related in any way to the little soul, feel so much anger and disgust towards the perpetrators of this horrendous crime that I want to subject them to torture too gory to be printed in a newspaper. I'm sure many people would want to join me if such vigilante justice is allowed in the book of law.

  As heart-wrenching as it may be for the families of Dirang, Nurin Jazlin and Nurul Huda, at least there is some sort of closure to their misery. What about the families of Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, 5, and Nisha Chandramohan, 2, who have been missing since 2008 and 2010, respectively?

   They can only imagine the fate that has befallen their missing children.

   Victims and suspects aside, there are always a third category of people who constantly make "appearances" in such kidnap cases -- those who take advantage of the tragedy and demand ransom from the victims' grieving families.

   These are the worse type of people, the bottom feeders in the food chain, the same types who would snatch jewellery from a rotting or burning corpse.    These people and the perpetrators should all be bundled up and put under a structure in the most earthquake prone area on the planet so that Mother Earth could open up and swallow all of them whole. That way, their journey to where they belong would be shorter and faster.

   As for Dirang, Nurin Jazlin and Nurul Huda, may your souls rest in peace. God loves all of you more and you are at a far better place.

[source : new straits time online on 18 march 2012]

:: vocabulary quest ::

a) sane : 


  • (of a person) of sound mind; not mad or mentally ill:hard work kept me sane
  • reasonable or sensible:a sane discussion of the important social issues of our time
b) horrendous :


  • extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible:she suffered horrendous injuries
c) nipped :

verb (nipsnippingnipped)
  • 1 [with object] bite or pinch sharply:one of the dogs nipped him on the leg[no object]:his teeth nipped at her ear
  • (of the cold or frost) damage or hurt:the vegetable garden, nipped now by frost
  • (nip something off) remove something by pinching or squeezing sharply:he nipped off a length of wire with the cutters
  • 2 [no object, with adverbial of direction] British informal go quickly:I’m just nipping down to the Post Office
  • 3 [with object] US informal steal or snatch (something).


  • a sharp bite or pinch:a strong beak which can deliver a serious nip
  • a feeling of biting cold:a keen nip in the air
d) perpetrators :


[with object]
  • carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral action):a crime has been perpetrated against a sovereign state

e) vigilantes :


  • a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.

f) confinement :


[mass noun]
  • 1the action of confining or state of being confined:he was immediately released from his confinement
  • 2 dated the condition of being in childbirth:
    the pros and cons of home versus hospital confinement
g) gory :

adjective (goriergoriest)

  • involving or showing violence and bloodshed:a gory horror film
  • covered in blood.

g) fend :

1 [no object] (fend for oneself) look after and provide for oneself, without any help from others
she left her 14-year-old daughter to fend for herself
  • 2 [with object] (fend someone/thing off) defend oneself from a blow, attack, or attacker:Meredith tried frantically to fend him offfigurativehe fended off the awkward questions
    by :amalina,adibah,salha,halimah :)