There are swarms of dangerously poisonous jellyfish in coastal waters of U.K. It happened for the first time in 2010. They have been called as mauve stingers due to their looks, and they are coming here because of the recent temperature rise.
These jellyfish are about 4” long, and are pinkish purple in color. They breed a lot faster when the water temperature is warm. And just one swarm (or bloom) can cover many square miles (number reach to hundreds of thousands!) Just about five years ago, there were hardly any jellyfish in the British waters, as they preferred to stay at warm places like Mid Atlantic and the Mediterranean.
Over the period of last five years, there have been millions of jellyfish in north east Atlantic region, and they were close to British shores. Since 2010, they began entering British waters as well. A few years back, a bloom that extended for 10 miles killed about 100,000 salmon fish in Northern Ireland. The total damage was over a million pounds.
People of U.K. can be in a dangerous situation if they go to the beach. But more than that, fish farmers suffer a continuous loss all year round. Tuna fish are major jellyfish predators. Overfishing of Tuna means that jellyfish will keep growing and consuming other sea species.
While researches are being carried out in University of Plymouth, many scientists are worried about the present state. Dr. Richard Kirby of the university says that jellyfish numbers will increase even more as the temperatures keep rising. As global warming is increasing, there are chances that British waters will soon be infested with a lot of jellyfish.
The mauve stinger has a single cavity in its body, and it acts as mouth and waste removal. Its tentacles are covered with barbs that shoot venom, and then grab the affected fish. When this fish is disturbed, it glows in dark. It can also be seen in nights sometimes when ships pass through a swarm.
These jellyfish bloom when they migrate to warmer waters. Their numbers increase, and so does the swarm size. Climate and food conditions play a large role in their bloom. Overfishing of tuna fish is harmful for the ecological balance. Other predators of these jellyfish are sea turtles. Research is being carried out to understand the behavior of these jellyfish.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
· Swarms = covey, large, moving group
· - A group or aggregation of free-floating or free-swimming cells or organisms.
· Infested = full, overrun, crowded, overwhelmed
- - To live in or overrun to an unwanted degree or in a troublesome manner.
· Tentacles = appendage, limb, feeler
- An elongated, flexible, segmented extension, as one of those surrounding the mouth or oral cavity of the squid, used for feeling, grasping, or locomotion.
· Venom = poison, toxin, virulence
- The poisonous fluid that some animals, as certain snakes and spiders, secrete and introduce into the bodies of their victims by biting, stinging, etc.
- there are many poisonous jellyfish blooms in the English coastal water of U.K., due to the increase in temperature.
- Fish farmers suffered huge losses because tuna fish is a predator of jellyfish. Besides, it also resulted in ecosystem imbalances.
An imbalance ecosystem had already happened,that's why the jellyfish acted strangely....