Saturday 17 March 2012

where are your kids right now ?


IT has happened again. A child killed in a manner most sane adults would not even dream of subjecting their worst enemies to.
What did 5-year-old Nurul Nadirah Abdullah, or Dirang, do to have her life nipped in the bud like that? Or Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, 8, or Nurul Huda Abdul Ghani, 10 -- both of whom met their end at the hands of perverted psychopaths, not too long ago?

   This is the time when most of our hearts burn with rage and armchair vigilantes take to cyberspace to demand justice and bay for the blood of the child's killers.

   While you are furiously tweeting or Facebooking about this tragedy, take a good look around you to check where your children, or brothers or sisters are. They could be out there playing by themselves or with an equally innocent, defenceless soul, oblivious that they are being watched or preyed by the dregs of society.

   Children don't come with "Adult supervision needed" tags, but it does not mean that they can survive out there all by themselves. Rule of  thumb  -- you make babies, you take care of them until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

   Your flesh and blood (in some cases, stepchildren) are your responsibility and no one else's. The police can only do  so much. They can look for the suspects after a crime has happened, but by then, milk (or blood) has already been spilt.

   Judging by the way things are going nowadays, a law should be introduced that forces adults to supervise their young ones until they are at least 15, failing which,  the parents, or guardians, should be punished harshly to serve as an example to others.

   In the case of Dirang, she was sent to buy groceries at a shop near her flats in Bandar Seri Alam in Johor Baru on March 1  by her mother, Roselyn Alan, 25,  who is in confinement after giving birth. Her charred remains were  found in a hole at an oil palm plantation in Nusa Damai, Masai, eight days later.

   If my memory serves me right, Dirang's stepfather and Roselyn's husband, Lima Medeng, 25, was a jobless man. Mister, what other important "tasks" did you have that you can't carry out minor errands such as buying groceries for your wife who is in confinement? In an alternate reality, if Lima had done what he was supposed to do, Dirang would still be alive today. I'm not judging, just a thought that crossed my mind.

   Even I, who is not related in any way to the little soul, feel so much anger and disgust towards the perpetrators of this horrendous crime that I want to subject them to torture too gory to be printed in a newspaper. I'm sure many people would want to join me if such vigilante justice is allowed in the book of law.

  As heart-wrenching as it may be for the families of Dirang, Nurin Jazlin and Nurul Huda, at least there is some sort of closure to their misery. What about the families of Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, 5, and Nisha Chandramohan, 2, who have been missing since 2008 and 2010, respectively?

   They can only imagine the fate that has befallen their missing children.

   Victims and suspects aside, there are always a third category of people who constantly make "appearances" in such kidnap cases -- those who take advantage of the tragedy and demand ransom from the victims' grieving families.

   These are the worse type of people, the bottom feeders in the food chain, the same types who would snatch jewellery from a rotting or burning corpse.    These people and the perpetrators should all be bundled up and put under a structure in the most earthquake prone area on the planet so that Mother Earth could open up and swallow all of them whole. That way, their journey to where they belong would be shorter and faster.

   As for Dirang, Nurin Jazlin and Nurul Huda, may your souls rest in peace. God loves all of you more and you are at a far better place.

[source : new straits time online on 18 march 2012]

:: vocabulary quest ::

a) sane : 


  • (of a person) of sound mind; not mad or mentally ill:hard work kept me sane
  • reasonable or sensible:a sane discussion of the important social issues of our time
b) horrendous :


  • extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible:she suffered horrendous injuries
c) nipped :

verb (nipsnippingnipped)
  • 1 [with object] bite or pinch sharply:one of the dogs nipped him on the leg[no object]:his teeth nipped at her ear
  • (of the cold or frost) damage or hurt:the vegetable garden, nipped now by frost
  • (nip something off) remove something by pinching or squeezing sharply:he nipped off a length of wire with the cutters
  • 2 [no object, with adverbial of direction] British informal go quickly:I’m just nipping down to the Post Office
  • 3 [with object] US informal steal or snatch (something).


  • a sharp bite or pinch:a strong beak which can deliver a serious nip
  • a feeling of biting cold:a keen nip in the air
d) perpetrators :


[with object]
  • carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or immoral action):a crime has been perpetrated against a sovereign state

e) vigilantes :


  • a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.

f) confinement :


[mass noun]
  • 1the action of confining or state of being confined:he was immediately released from his confinement
  • 2 dated the condition of being in childbirth:
    the pros and cons of home versus hospital confinement
g) gory :

adjective (goriergoriest)

  • involving or showing violence and bloodshed:a gory horror film
  • covered in blood.

g) fend :

1 [no object] (fend for oneself) look after and provide for oneself, without any help from others
she left her 14-year-old daughter to fend for herself
  • 2 [with object] (fend someone/thing off) defend oneself from a blow, attack, or attacker:Meredith tried frantically to fend him offfigurativehe fended off the awkward questions
    by :amalina,adibah,salha,halimah :)

1 comment:

  1. parents must aware of their children although they are grown up,they should always give an eye on every single thing their children do,and where they go,so that the children know that their parents are care about them.....
